Environmental Activities

Various initiatives and activities to protect the environment

Sustainable Management
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Green ProcurementNatural Environment

The Nissen Chemitec Group promotes "Green Procurement" by selecting and purchasing only products, raw materials, and services that have the least possible impact on the environment.

Promotion of 3Rs
(Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

The Nissen Chemitec Group promotes the 3Rs and collects and reuses trays from shipped products. Additionally, we break down plastic into raw materials for recycling and also use the recycled material to manufacture our products.

Eco Mark Certification in Japan

A total of five products (two garbage bags and three sheets) have received Eco Mark certification from the Japan Environment Association. These products were certified as meeting the criteria of "using 50% or more by weight of recycled plastic materials”. The trash bags are environmentally friendly products intended for use by local governments, the sheets are intended for use on election poster bulletin boards.


Garbage bags

Dust Pack (Registration No. 01118057)


LDPE Garbage Bags

100% recycled plastic bags
(Registration No. 03118104)

Election Bulletin Board Sheets

Nissen U-Sheet PPS-9001
(Registration No. 05118018)

Sheet for general bulletin board

Nissen U-Sheet PPS-9011
(Registration No. 02118254)

General bulletin board sheet with calcium carbonate

Nissen U-Sheet PPS-9012
(Registration No. 02118254 Model added)

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