Commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Responding to the changing times
Taking on to "Environmentally Conscious Products”

Efforts toward SDGsMessage
We will contribute to the SDGs by becoming a "truly valuable company" that is needed by society, that takes into consideration the environment, society, and governance, pursuing the joy of work for its employees, increasing employee satisfaction, and is a sustainable company with outstanding characteristics through its advanced technological capabilities and originality.
Declaration for achieving the SDGs
Stabilize our revenue base and make new businesses the pillars for the next generation
●Indicators for 2030 Increase labor productivity by 20% (compared to FY2021) ●Current Initiatives We have increased the number of annual holidays by 10 days for employee satisfaction. At the same time, we are putting forth efforts to increase productivity and efficiency in order to continue to grow and improve profits.
Material Recycling Initiatives
Reuse recycled PP
●Indicators for 2030 Achieve an annual production volume of 500 tons ●Current Initiatives Preparing to commercialize recycled polypropylene using waste plastic sorted and collected from end-of-life vehicles.
Creating a diverse workplace where women, foreigners, people with disabilities, and the elderly can work.
●Indicators for 2030 Creating a comfortable workplace by reforming the human resources system ●Current Initiatives Newly instituted remote work and side-job policies. Various methods are being tried to create a comfortable workplace with revised annual holidays.
Specific Efforts
Human Rights and Labor

Current Initiatives
A system that allows various work styles and manages time to control long work hours are put into place.
Improvement reports are implemented when overtime work exceeds 40 hours per month.
Future activities
Efforts are being made to create an environment for a diverse workforce, including women, foreigners, people with disabilities, and the elderly.

Current Initiatives
We have been controlling losses generated in the production process through the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), striving to understand the impact of our business on the local community, improving production control, and properly disposing of waste materials.
Future activities
We will disclose our environmental initiatives on our website.
Contribution to the economy and local communities

Current Initiatives
The company is engaged in the development and design of environmentally friendly products including the production of biomass products from plant-derived raw materials. Nissen also produces refined raw materials.
Future activities
Minimize production losses as much as possible and succeed in new recycling business and eliminate waste