Privacy policyPrivacy Policy


In light of the importance of protecting personal information and the purpose of the ” Protection of Personal Information Act”, Nissen Chemitec Corporation is committed to protecting personal information based on the following policy in order maintain the trust of our customers and society.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations Concerning the Protection of Personal Information
We will comply with the “Protection of Personal Information Act” and other laws and regulations when handling personal information.
2. Acquisition of Personal Information
Personal information will be acquired in an appropriate and lawful manner, within the extent necessary for business purposes, after specifying the use to the greatest extent possible.
3. Compliance with Regulations on Personal Information Protection and Handling
We will establish a management system for the protection and handling of personal information in accordance with the rules for handling and protecting personal information, related company regulations, and this policy.
4. Management of Personal Information
In order to ensure the accuracy and safety of personal information, we will appoint a person responsible for managing this information to ensure proper management and prevent personal information leaks to outside parties. Additional safety measures will be taken in terms of technology and management systems to prevent unauthorized external access, loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of personal information.
5. Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Policies and Company Regulations
We will establish and comply with this policy, personal information protection and handling regulations, and related company rules to secure personal information and maintain and continuously improve our management systems.
6. For Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
Ichimiya Center Building Niihama 5F, 2-4-34, Nishibara‐cho, Niihama, Ehime 792-8584, Japan
Personal Information Protection Manager Phone +81-(0)897-33-4171

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