Work Support Program

Support Program for
Balancing Work
and Childcare

Nissen Chemitec has been working from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2019 as their 4th period in accordance with the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Children of the Next Generation.
Based on the results of these efforts, we will continue to improve the environment at Nissen Chemitec by implementing specific measures to achieve our goals based on plan.

Plan period
FY2020 (April 1, 2020) - FY2024 (March 31, 2025)

Specific Targets

  • Establish a work environment for associates who are raising children to be able to balance their work and family lives.

    1. Promote fathers taking leave when a child is bornExplain the benefits after being informed of the child being born (as needed)
    2. Further promotion of childcare leavePublicize further information on childcare leave on the company intranet (yearly)
  • Establish working conditions to review the working styles of all employees

    1. Implementation of measures to reduce overtime work hoursEach location to set a reduction target to reduce overtime (as needed).
    2. Promote the use of annual paid leaveEliminate the upper limit on the number of days that can be used as half-days (effective 2020.8) Promotion of Women's Professional Activities

Plan for Promotion of Women's
Professional Activities

In accordance with the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activity, Nissen has established plan for the following period to create an environment in which women can fully demonstrate their abilities and play an active role in their professional lives, and the company will to improve working conditions for women.

Plan period
Fiscal year 2021 (April 1, 2021) - 2026 (March 31, 2027)
Basic Policy
Develop female employees over the long term by creating a comfortable work environment and diverse work styles, and aim to appoint women to management positions in the future.

Specific Targets

  • Promote at least one female employee to a managerial position (leader or above) during the five-year period ending in FY2026. (leader or above) within 5 years by FY2026 (0 as of March 31, 2023)

  • Increase the number of female employees in career-track positions to 20%, and the ratio of female employees in career-track positions to 10%.

Action Plan

  1. Action Plan 01

    Actively recruit female career-track employees and aim to increase the ratio of female employees and their promotion to managerial positions (implementation date: April 1, 2021).

  2. Action Plan 02

    Promote support for employee career development through individual interviews (Implementation date: July 1, 2021)

  3. Action Plan 03

    Create new regional managers in line with the reform of the personnel system, and clarify the definitions of career-track and expert courses; shifting from a seniority-based system to a performance evaluation system that reflects employees' abilities and job evaluations (Implementation date: August 1, 2021)

  4. Action Plan 04

    Further promote the use of annual paid leave, half-day paid leave, short-time work and childcare system, and flextime to realize a comfortable workplace and diverse work styles (Implementation date: August 1, 2021)

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